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Wednesday, March 2, 2011


How can man? Macam mana Penang boleh jadi macam nie? Kan Penang ditadbir oleh Pembangkang ( kata  orang UmNo BN aka Bangkrapkan Negara ) yang tidak sedar diri bahawa merekalah Pembangkan di Penang )  Yang tadbir Penang ni ialah seorang Cina Baba dari Melaka, tapi he's very proud to be Penang CM yang menghambakan diri utk rakyat.

Penang. A different planet?
The bridge to a different ONEMalaysia?

Whenever I cross the Causeway into Singapore I get the feeling that, "Wow! This is like a totally different planet, man!"

Or when crossing the other way, "What the fuck! Baarger! This is like a totally different planet, man!"

I am sure you know what I mean, right?

And if you say, "Ale! So good meh?" going one way and "Where got?" coming the other, then you are:-

a) so blindly patriotic you deserve a medal

b) you've been paid to say "Where got?"

c) you really don't care one way or the other and are awaiting your PR approval from Australia.

Last week I spent a couple of days in Penang. You know, the island up north that is managed by those Opposition flers? I knew something was wrong the minute I crossed over the messy, Federal-funded and built Penang Bridge.

Eh? How come the Rapid Penang buses all so clean one?
Eh? Aren't those low-cost council flats? How come look so clean and fresh one? With new coat of paint some more.

How can man? These Opposition flers just know how to complain about Federal government not giving them enough money to do things, right? Also they are supposedly marginalising some communities by holding back development and business opportunities right?

Then how come everybody here looks so happy one? Okay, so 2 days isn't enough to make a survey worth shit la but I must still admit that I was impressed man!

Okay, so I shall wait impatiently for some comments to come in after this telling me, "If you like it so much, move there la. Blaardy pendatang!" But then it's different from being yelled at to go to another country. Penang IS in my country. Isn't it? Then how come it looks and feels so different one? Didn't all the YB's say that those Opposition flers can't do shit and not to vote for them?

Ah! And then I read in the newspapers that the Penang flers who live on the mainland are getting free bus rides to work. Some more can park their cars for RM1.00 the whole day and ride bus to work. Free! Can do like that meh? Opposition government wor.

Ah! And then ah I also heard the Chief Minister make a speech to an audience of about 200 people at a book store. Wah! I really tabik the Lim fler la. Damn best speech I've heard from a politician in years la. He spoke about Penang and the people's collective efforts in building a great place to live and work and bring up family all. And he never once highlighted any one particular community for praise. All are Penangites and all contribute and share. I tell you ah, after listening to him and enjoying Penang for 2 days I really felt like moving there to live la. Friendly, happy people. Malays, Chinese, Indians, Dll's. Clean environment. Efficient administration. Sun, sea and surf. What's there not to like? Well, maybe just one thing la. The property prices there quite terror la. Don't know if can afford. But then in a place like Penang the rule can always be "If you're prepared to work hard the rewards are there to be shared". So maybe can. Somemore no need to apply visa all.



Jac Yeap said...

Hahaa..Pat, I was there!!! Got to see you in person!!
Though’re right. Being a penangite myself, I was quite surprised when I heard Lim Guan Eng mentioned about internationally, they don’t care what skin color you are or which country you’re from but rather, what result you can deliver. It hit me that, is he the only politician that know of actual reality on how the globe turns? It was my 1st time listening to his speech vis-à-vis..yaa..shame on me…
Still, love your book….but love your blog more..! If you could print out this blog and make it into a book…I will definitely buy two..! One for meself..and another to borrow around…
Do update your blog more frequent k…!!! God Bless..

3:28 PM

donplaypuks said...
The 4 Pakatan controlled States attracted more FDI's than all the UMNO/BN ones and the Auditor General has certified that Penang and Selangor top the administration and transparency charts.

Nuff Said!

But do chek out my latest posting and cartoons on the Sighfull Special and Maha Firaun condoms at



we are all of 1 Race, the Human Race
3:33 PM

LC Teh said...
Pat, I thought you're an original Penang lang? Those days 40 years ago I remember hearing your voice on Penang's Redifusion...

3:44 PM

Richard Loh said...

welcome to Penang Patrick and glad to know that you love it. Got Teohlogy signed by you and have yet to read it.
Housing is indeed a big problem in Penang Island and of course its very expensive due to many factors.
We Penangnites are indeed very fortunate to have LGE as the CM but you know lah the never ending attacks from you know who.

Malaysians are still not thinking right when it comes to voting, at least Penangnites are a little better knowing who to vote for. We are waiting for free food and goodies comes the 13th GE from BN but will vote for

3:44 PM

Anonymous said...

nice picture of incheon bridge. i can see it from my room at the sheraton.
3:49 PM

David Chan said...

Dear Patrick, do come! Penang welcomes you! :-)
Or, let's work together and send those flers away from every state in GE13. (I work and stay in Penang but vote in my hometown in Perak because I like tough fight... you know what I mean la... :-))
P.S. Mainland (Prai) property is still affordable.

4:03 PM

Anonymous said...

Come more often to Penang lo....You are most welcomed one!!
4:27 PM

cinafong said...

hahaha.. this is hilarious... but does give me a warm fuzzy feeling. I like that Lim fella lah  PM

$a7u \m/ said...

Uncle Pat,
They r ruling party in Penang state Govt. not opposion least in

$a7u \m/
4:59 PM

Anonymous said...

uncle pat, good one! i am a proud penangite even that i've residing in Kl for yrs. and yes! LGE has done a good job for penang, most of me mate, whether they r mly, indian, cina or dan lain lain are loving him, except ppl from umnoputra lah. u know what i mean.
btw, been to MPH BV1, your book has been sold out there. Will look out for it again.

5:06 PM

derichan said..
yes. You are visiting a whole new penang here...we are kinda like rural town last time but now we can say is urban city, do come visit here and survey on the internet about the housing here, there are still place that you can afford too because we not like the capital city which boom that fast too. Having being a penang "kia" is really proud...cheers to our Lim Chief Minister of Penang

5:15 PM

1 Malay-sia(L) said...
i don't think pat's a penang kia; probably a eeeboh chai.
5:20 PM

KoSong Cafe said...
I must say my wife commented twice that Penang appears to be cleaner since Pakatan took over.
But we are regulars at Lebuh Chulia where the antique shops are, and where the budget travelling 'angmo' hang out. The roads are still partially occupied by 'temporary' stalls, tables and chairs which are permanently there. The toilets of old coffee shops leave much to be desired which is a reason why my wife would insist on visiting a toilet before getting out of NSE, or use the newer one next to the stadium off Lorong Kulit if we happen to be there.

It is going to be very unpopular to try and change things. Slowly but surely, Penang should insist on upgrading toilets in those old shops, clear the streets of stalls occupying roads or pedestrian walkways. Someone already wrote about the impossibility of walking from one place to the other without having to walk out to the road now and again.
I understand the parking system is going to be changed, otherwise, tourists are often caught with tickets but cannot find the attendants.

5:51 PM

sintaicharles said...
I like Penang. I go there almost every year. Nothing beats the good food and friendly people on the island.

6:02 PM

Anonymous said...

At last we have a choice closer to home. No need to go to Australia or abroad.

6:10 PM

Anonymous said...

uncle pat,

i solute you wor--,I miss you radio four with yasmine yusuf. lah

i hope malaysia have more people like you - true grit lah

6:18 PM

Anonymous said...

Welcome Patrick to Penang. Penang has so much to offer. We have those flers that took pictures and highlight thru' emails to mppp for improvements and walla, most of the time, they happened. U can get easily contact nos of YBs, Councillors and officers in charge. Once i send an sms to a yb for email address and it replied almost instantly, impressive! Few days back i highlighted some road cleaning problem, and walla, the officer in charge contacted me and resolved the problem the next day.Very different now le...Keep it up to all penang state civil servents!

6:31 PM

Anonymous said...

Oh shit what has you done Patrick!!! With your write up praising the opposition and Penang CM for their efficient administration of Penang, you are surely inviting the BN/UMNO fellas (not forgetting the Ibrahim "The 3 x Shit" Ali and Utusan) to up their attacks against the Penang CM and opposition party. Gosh, Patrick, please write something-lah to praise the 1PM and his UMNO led government to balance things off. Anything that sounds like a praise will do lah as little praise is better than no praise.

6:52 PM

Zeroed said...

Frankly....I've been staying, earning a living in KL for the past 17 donkey years. As usual, as time goes, I go back less and less. One thing I notice when back recently is that the street are just too damn clean compare to before. U can see city council people periodically sweeping and cleaning up the place. This is not just something....but things being said and done. It's just marvelous.

7:14 PM

RicoRoyal3 said...

Penang extends her loving arm around an eloquent, opinionated bad*ss like you. Maybe your next book can be about the differences within a country.

7:51 PM

nstman said...

Penang has undergone massive changes, believe it or not. But the Barisan wont leave it alone. Every day, Barisan goons try to make it difficult for the people. These bastards try every way and mean to run down Guan Eng. Every minute detail is exploited. Everything is down to race. But Penangites are smarter than that. Penangites will show these shit stirrers that the only way is for all races to unite. And Penang is showing the way. Najib, are you listening?

8:01 PM

Anonymous said...

Me and my Malaccan colleague coincidentally quitted our 'rather' high pay job in Singapore and came back to Malaysia in 2009.

While today she is in Toronto now but I am still remain in Penang.
Could it be something to do with the Lim Guan Eng factor, hehe!

9:11 PM

Anonymous said...

Prejudice distorts what it sees , deceive when it talks and destroys when it acts.

Much of our self-esteem comes from feeling better (actually not) about ourselves than about others because of the group we belong to.

PREJUDICE is not easy to overcome especially to LOOSER. Instead of showing superiority and favourism , 1 malaysia shoud demonstrate compassion ,kindness , humility , gentleness and patience towards each other.
Above all 1 Malaysia shud be All in All.


9:21 PM

Anonymous said...

pat, u wanna be a penang-lang? then u must turned into a "kiamsiap" fler first. lol. :)

no offence, all penangites.
another penang-kia.

9:34 PM

patrickteoh said...

Thank you all Penangites for your warm hospitality and friendship. No I am not a Penang boy. I come from Ipoh which I personally think has gone to shit since the BN took over the government all those years ago from the PPP. There was a glimmer of hope in 2008. But Alas! Frogs came into the picture and Ipoh croaked. But there is hope. Next time!

9:55 PM

Anonymous said...

Bro you bias le. When you cross onto the island (Singapore and Penang) you already subconsciously wanted to see the good.
Imagine this - if you were a Singaporean and wrote what you wrote Mr Lee would have put you behind bars already. If you leave in Penang, you would probably cared a damn about what happens in KL and just enjoying the Penang Laksa and durians man!

9:59 PM

yin said...

am penangite and uncle lim is doing good. just that there aren't many job opportunities - those he created are the high tech/engineer job(but no taker). many get out of penang due to lack of good jobs, unless you want to work in a factory, or bank, or have own business, else, the pay is relatively low.

hope he continues to do well, and i will come back to penang, when i can make enough to afford the house.

10:38 PM

Anonymous said...

Nobody can deny that Penang is the cleanest and people friendly state since march 2008.

Couple months back i was at a friend " wedding kendhuri" in kampong Baru. A group of UMNO goons and PERKASA were having funs poking jokes at Selangor Govt. Then one of them asked "how about Penang?".. Nobody dare to make any comment.After couple minutes one joker break the silence " Penang sejak Cina Lim tu pegang, gua tabik(salute)la.. kalu boss kita(DSN) ada 10% otak cina lim tu pun dah bagus.. sure Malaysia terror... Ha ha you see Patrick even the UMNO and PERKASA macai admit it that Penang is another planet. Long Live Penang.

10:41 PM

Anonymous said...

My wife and I both Thais (from Bangkok) having been travelling in and out of Penang since 2005.
All I can say a vast improvement since BN days. After 2008, we decided to settle down here. Bought a nice apartment near the beach and never for once regretted it.

CM Lim, keep up the good work. A model state for other states to emulate epsecially BN States. Doubt if they can even come close.

10:45 PM

Anonymous said...

why not?am sure ur family would love it here.

after all,this is pendatang island ma..
and we need more pendatang like u on this island.

10:55 PM

oh chin eng said...

Hi Sir,
I am Chin Eng, a Penangite, your blog's reader and also the chairman of teh Student Representative Committee in University Tunku Abdul Rahman Perak.
I would like to invite you to my uni to promote your book and give a talk.
ok ah ok ah?? =p

11:02 PM

Lee Zhi-Li said...

As a through-and-through PJ Boy, I must admit it's very curious indeed. The way it's being put by you Mr. Patrick and the other commentors, sounds like Penang is now cleaner than Selangor! That the case-ah? By, a curious junior blogger

11:25 PM

Anonymous said...

Heard his speech in Adelaide, Australia n was very impressed too. He n his team r so dedicated n genuine in making Msia a better place for all.

11:55 PM

Anonymous said...

Penang rules! WINGNUTS sucks! Born in Johor, living in Penang for the past 36 years already. All are welcome if you want to see examples of good governance, fair play and equal treatment. Nuf said!
12:51 AM

Anonymous said...

Hi Patrick - I am Penang born - Yb LGE has indeed turned the state from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan - mind you this is just 3 years of administration - it is improving by the day - Kudos to Pakatan and YB LGE and god bless you
12:57 AM

Anonymous said...


So many positive comments for LGE and team in Penang PLUS your encouraging write-up.
Please drop a note to LGE so that he and his team will be motivated. THey also need motivation. They are being run down day-in-day-out by the Barisan Najis gang and the Ibrahim Ali otak kosong.
Thanks and please write more often.

I enjoy reading your write-ups.

An observer
2:17 AM

mahaza said...


even Shah Alam is cleaner and the greens/playing field are really taken care of. MBSA people move around in their cars to check the quality of works done by the contractors. Abandoned projects is looming to progress. Is it just me noticing these factors?

8:28 AM

Anonymous said...

Hi Patrick,

This is the first time I read your blog, and i must say it is AWESOME!!! This is what a blog should be all about! CM LGE has done a fantastic job that all Penangites are proud of (me included). I will go get a copy of Teohlogy. Come to Penang anytime!

9:06 AM

Anonymous said...

bro, i got a better idea. buy house in sungai petani and drive to work to penang. not that far. the green padi fields greet u on the morning drive and after work hang out at hard rock cafe penang before balik sp. plus... kedah now is PAS state ma... can experience PAS and DAP in both states!! p.s. sungai petani house still cheap.

9:19 AM

Anonymous said...

Nice one! Being from Penang myself (and now living in KL like everyone else), every time I go back, I always hear good things about the opposition party managing the public's funds very well. And these are coming from people who couldn't be bothered about politics etc.

11:09 AM

Penang kia said...

my penang friends are saying that Penang should be an independent country (just like Singapore), and keep all the federal taxes to Penangites. Pay taxes to federal but not getting aid. Penang will prosper even more without Malaysia!

11:34 AM

Lucius Chow said...

Patrick should conside moving to live in Penang for the good government, good food (see your blogger friend Anil Netto blog entries on the fabulous Penang street food) and friendly people.

Of course we still have the remnants of the Gerakan relics who are still making noise every now and then to please its umno master.

I am now working in Singapore and I hope you will do your book launch/signing in Singapore soon (perhaps after their GE as their PAP government may be afraid of your influence).

12:16 PM

Radiance said...

you mean you didn't smell it once you crossed into the penang border even from the mainland?
even the air is different. it smells like good governance.
glad you saw the beauty of my home state. cheers.

12:42 PM

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed Penang.
UMNO is playing the politics of the '60s in Penang. The racial issues UMNO raised today in the state are no different from those raised against Lee Kuan Yew even though Guan Eng is a lot less confrontational than the then Singapore leader.
The living standard enjoyed by the everyone (including the Malays) in Singapore is a testimony of how good government policies can make a huge difference to the citizens.
Unfortunately, there is not much a state in Penang can do. Singapore then had a lot more autonomy than us today. Most importantly, Singapore had control in post-merger period over information and they could use the main stream media to reach to the voters. Penang today can only depend on the internet to fight lies and half truths in the main stream media.
The federation concept instituted by Tunku coupled with the constitutional amendments over the years whittled away state powers and had them concentrated to Putra Jaya.
This reduced the Penang government role to custodians of 2 main portfolios. One is land (which the previous CM surrendered to UMNO) and the other is local government.
So if we want to see real changes in Penang and Malaysia, get rid of the mediocre government in Putra Jaya.

- wira
12:47 PM

Walski69 said...

As my wife (who's from Penang) would say: "Hi, I'm from Penang, which country are you from?"
Yes, the propaganda machinery paints a bleak picture of Penang, but the reality is that the state is doing well under thr DAP-led state government.
Glad you enjoyed your time there!

1:11 PM

ahsiang - known as "吹水 - CHUI SUI" previously said...

Patrick, come to Penang la.

Glad that you give a good comment for Penang, hope this would give a loud and clear msg to other states that still under blood sucker control!

1:13 PM

Anonymous said...


Are you serious ah? Falling in love with Penang in just two days? If you said you like the Char Koay Teow or Penang Laksa we understand but are you sure Pulau Pinang is now the most improved state in Malaysia? And Pakatan doing a fantastic job despite all the hoo ha I keep reading in other blogs?

May be I should visit the island to confirm what you so unshamefully brag about.

Wait a sec! That's my former homestate you're talking about! Right on bro!

1:34 PM

Leslie Jeyam said...

Dear Patrick; its been a long time. Yes I believe everything you saw was as you say; unreal! A different planet. Almost not Malaysia yet so Malaysian I was there a little while back and got the exact same impression. Good people, good signboards (drove around in a rental) and good food. Needless to say I enjoyed myself, met some cool Joe's and drank myself silly by the beach.
The short holiday was punctuated with a 'must come back soon' and I am doing just that next month.

1:45 PM

Leslie Jeyam said...

And congrats on the book :)

2:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Aiya unker, very easy one lah, all you have to do is do away with under-table money/(over-table money ?), grease (for palms), "komisyen" ,"hadiah"etc etc...

You oso can do leh if you are the CM .

2:06 PM

new fart said...

See don't need all the resources from the corrupted Federal Govt. if you just use whatever you've got to manage the state...because you use every cent available to do the right thing by the people instead of lining their own pockets with most of it!!! That's why! Yes, going into Singapore is like returning to Hong Kong after you have left hell behind in Shenzhen. That's exactly the feeling you get when you are travelling between the two cities. Same feeling with returning to Malaysia after visiting Singapore except it is the other way round!

2:10 PM

marduk said...

Dear Pat,

What have Ah Goon been doing all those years? Worst is that he still has the cheek to make so much noise! Did he said he would SaiLang LGE this month? or jump off Komtar? which one??

2:28 PM

Daryl Lau said...

Excellent view and opinion Pat. I am also a Penangite who have been residing like so many in KL for the past 12 years. I do go back twice a year to visit my family and I totally agree with you that since 2008, Penang has blossomed into a perfect place to call home.

If only LGE can rejuvenate the job opportunities, I for one would gladly head back home but then I have a feeling Penang might just be overcrowded... LOL!

Gratz on your book btw!


2:47 PM

Khun Pana aka johanssm said...

When the ever sarcastic Uncle Pat starts talking about something good is happening in Malaysia , this is a positive sign.

NiaMah to all the bn states.

2:50 PM

Anonymous said...

Uncle Pat dont fret!!

We will sweep the bn goons of the lands of IPOH once and for all in the next GE! Ipoh will be a clean and nice place to live again

Ipoh mali tarak sombong

4:22 PM

Anonymous said...

Yeah you're right Patrick. I was there in "Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu" in Georgetown late last year. I was pleasantly shocked that the back lanes of the city was sooooo clean. No smell of garbage whatsoever! And guess what Penangites don't double park!
Sigh maybe Penang should seek independence from Bolihland and called itself The Republic of Penang...LOL

4:37 PM

Anonymous said...


You got pass the bridge near lam wah ee hospital, the small narrow fly over which was built by the former CM koh tsu koon. Piaang eh! Very narrow.

Kanineh this ah khoon fella ready created a bad traffic jam by building that fly over.
You must try this and give your comment.
Btw, your new book, very lun Phar wan (no1)
I already buy oh...I buy somemore to gift.

4:44 PM

Anonymous said...

From comments here, Pakatan Penang gets almost all its support from Chinese...

4:52 PM

Geronimo said...

Pat, although I was born and bred in KL, but my roots are actually from Penang and I do make a trip to the island every month on my business assignments. Couple of things worth mentioning:

1. Whenever I am in Penang, I stay at the B-suite Hotel In Bukit Jambul. For my dinner, I normally visit the food court just around the corner near the Shell petrol station. To reach there, I have to walk along the main road infront of the hotel where a monsoon drain runs parallel to it. Before the 2008 GE, the drain was filled with sludge and dirt so much so, it emitted a terrible odour which in most times spoiled my dinner appetite. Weeks after the 2008GE, I returned to Penang for another assignment. That evening I was thinking of walking a little further out from the monsoon and run the risk of being knocked by a car, when I notice there was no smell coming from the drain. I looked into it and what do you know, crystal clear water was running through it. Of course, the water is now a little dirty but nonetheless the drain is maintained as far as I can see.

2. I boarded a taxi at the Bayan Lepas Airport to ferry me to the hotel. It was six months after the 2008GE. The driver, who was a Malay, and I struck up a conversation. I started off by asking him how are things now under the new state govt. He replied enthusiastically, "Very good, Sir, very good". He went on to tell me how his uncle (an E or F Class contractor) just secured a project to provide lamps/lightings/wiring, worth RM500k from the state govt through the open tender system. He told me in the past, you can only dream of securing such a project as they are all controlled by the politicians, and even if you did, the amount you have to pay the main con hardly leaves you anything left to spent.

Well, I am certainly impressed and from the looks of things, BN, Gerakan or MCA can forget about getting Penang back. The state is now in good hands, especially runned by an accountant, heh heh heh.

4:53 PM

Anonymous said...

Nice piece Niamah! I used to listen you on the radio during the early 70's as a young teenager living in Bagan Serai.

By the way Niamah....the IGP went to the same school as you did in Ipoh...if you have not already, maybe you should link up with him. Then you two can try to make changes for the better in Ipoh. Maybe someday it can be on par with Penang.

What do you say Niamah...dont just talk lah. Try to make things part off the change.

5:11 PM

Anonymous said...

Uncle Pat

Good that you LOVE Penang!
Me too... Since LGE took over, the City State is simply superb place to visit relax and get laid too.
I've been looking for Penang Hokkien to be my LaoPor for quite sometime but failed to catch one, woh!

Visiting Penang & Traders Hotel my spot, every once-a-month at least for the last 3years lor.

Malacca can be as good as Penang if the state people select Transparency Integrity leaders instead of Mongkeys woh. Bet you agree with me!

Take care, Uncle Pat.

5:18 PM
Posted by patrickteoh

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